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Article: Tips for Transitioning to Our Natural Shampoo Bar + 2 DIY Clarifying Hair Rinses


Tips for Transitioning to Our Natural Shampoo Bar + 2 DIY Clarifying Hair Rinses

Hello, friends!


The humble Nourish Shampoo Bar... our power-packed hair cleansing option made from 100% natural ingredients. This product is loved by many, however, often gets overlooked. So, we're highlighting the incredible benefits of this bar + going over some important details... including the transition phase.


So, why is our Nourish Shampoo Bar superior to conventional shampoos? Here are just a few reasons.


-With organic and wild harvested ingredients like castor oil, palm oil, jojoba oil, avocado oil, cocoa butter, and shea butter, our shampoo bar deeply nourishes while cleansing the hair of impurities and buildup.

-Creates a rich lather that cleanses hair without stripping it of its natural moisture.

-Free of silicones, fragrances, and harsh detergents, it is made by hand and packed with organic ingredients proven to promote hair health.

-Safe for color-treated hair.

-Great for any hair texture and type. Curly girls especially love it!

-Contains castor oil, which promotes hair growth by increasing blood circulation to the scalp and stimulating hair follicles.

-Ingredients help to strengthen the hair shaft, reducing breakage and split ends.

-Depending on how often you use it and how carefully you store it, one bar can last several months!


Now, switching over to an all-natural, organic shampoo bar will benefit your hair greatly, however, there is something called the "transition phase" that may occur. Some people give up on truly natural hair care before they see the benefits, but it's worth the temporary inconvenience! Let's learn more about this.


The transition phase:

Most people do not experience a weird transition phase, but some do! So I think it’s important to be upfront about what you may experience. The most popular comment I hear from people who experience a transition when making the switch to a solid shampoo bar for hair care is:

"I just love the idea of using an all-natural, organic bar to wash my hair, but my hair feels funny!"

The transition period can range from a few days to weeks, or even a month. It depends on how damaged your hair is and how much residue and build-up is present on your hair from silicones and artificial ingredients in your current shampoo. Sometimes, genetics can play a role too.

When you first begin using an all-natural solid shampoo bar, your hair or scalp may become oily or dry - or even switch between the two extremes. You may (although it is not common) have increased tangles or frizz, and the hair shafts may feel waxy. Use our Nourish Conditioner on your ends (start from shoulder down) - this will help with the waxy feel.

You may notice that your hair initially feels softer after using a commercial shampoo. Oftentimes, the "soft" feeling that you feel is synthetic silicones and other chemicals that coat your hair to make it feel softer and silkier. Ick! Understand that your hair - which has been addicted to chemical-laden shampoo - is literally going through a withdrawal and learning to live a chemical-free life, which is not easy!

Please note, we cannot speak for other solid bars – there are a lot out there. Unfortunately, a lot of them use speculative ingredients and claim to be "natural", when really, they are full of ingredients much different from our organic shampoo bar with natural oils.

So how is our product different from commercial shampoos?

Commercial detergent liquid shampoos strip away the natural protective oils of your hair. Because of this, your scalp produces more oil to compensate. Your scalp soon becomes conditioned to this vicious cycle of excess oil production.

Our all-natural shampoo bar does not strip hair in the same way detergent-based shampoos do. Our bar is made with a lot of attention to detail. It takes two weeks to cure after it is made. It is not a "melt and pour" soap, but rather, it is made through the cold process.


Try these two clarifying hair rinses to remove residue more quickly during the transition phase:

  1. 1 tbsp. lemon juice + 2 cups of water.
  2. Combine 8 oz. of warm water and 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Mix well. Pour or spray through wet hair after washing, taking care to avoid the eyes and mouth. Massage into hair and scalp. Let rest for a few minutes, and then rinse, rinse, and rinse some more.

The DIYs mentioned above can be used once a week.

It is also important. to keep in mind that if you have well water or hard water at your house that can also play a role in how this shampoo bar reacts.



As always, we encourage you to read up more on this product + see the many reviews to determine if you think the Nourish Shampoo Bar would be a fit for you.

We also have other organic, all-natural hair care products and hair care-related educational articles just for you.


Here's just a few:

DIY Flaxseed Gel

The Basics Of Having Healthy Hair & How To Repair Damage

DIY Leave In Conditioner & Detangler

All Natural Alternative To Aerosol Hairspray


Type in "hair" on the website search bar, and toggle over to "blogs" to see the rest of our hair care-related articles and DIYs!


With care,

Brier C. & Chelsea Henderson (Founder & Formulator)

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