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Tips for Transitioning to Our Natural Shampoo Bar + 2 DIY Clarifying Hair Rinses


Tips for Transitioning to Our Natural Shampoo Bar + 2 DIY Clarifying Hair Rinses

Hello, friends!   The humble Nourish Shampoo Bar... our power-packed hair cleansing option made from 100% natural ingredients. This product is loved by many, however, often gets overlooked. So, we'...

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Do You Have A Pre-Poo? Here's Why You May Benefit from One.

I hope you're having a great day so far. =) ​ I know the silly-sounding title of this email may have made you wonder... "What is a pre-poo?!" Well, some of my curly-haired gals may already be fami...

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Cold Weather Hair Care Tips With The Organic Revitalize Hair Serum

You already know how much we love fall and winter around here... but, we also know as the weather changes, so do our skin and hair care needs. During the dry and cold winter months, it's not uncom...

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DIY Dry Shampoo (for all hair colors!)

Okay, Fam, we have one of our favorite DIYs for you today!    Our dry shampoo recipe(s)!    We try and not over-wash our hair around here (read more about washing hair and repairing damaged hair h...

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DIY Leave In Conditioner & Detangler

Well, hello! It's great to have you here on the blog. Because you joined us today, I'm assuming you're looking for a really great leave-in conditioner DIY that nourishes your hair from top to bott...

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The Basics Of Having Healthy Hair & How To Repair Damage

Alright, friends. I know you're going to be peeved when you hear it... but you've got to STOP using aerosol hairsprays on your hair! Really though. This is just one practical way to improve hair h...

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