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Article: Herbal Tea Recipe for Heartburn and Acid Reflux

herbal remedies

Herbal Tea Recipe for Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Hey, SBA fam! You'll want to save this herbal tea recipe for the upcoming holiday season because... we all know we eat a little (or a lot) more treats, sweets, & goodies around the holiday season. With that can come a little more heartburn and/or acid reflux than we're used to! However, use this tea year-round for some extra help!


Before we get to it, let's hear from our Chelsea (Founder & CEO):

"The BEST tea for heartburn and/or acid reflux. These terms are often used interchangeably but acid reflux is the backflow of stomach contents into the esophagus. The feeling of acid reflux is heartburn, which is a mild burning sensation in the middle of the chest, often occurring after specific meals, when lying down, or if you're me, it happened quite a bit during my third trimester with Selah."


No need to use chemical-filled Tums or Pepto Bismol when you can make this potent and healthy tincture instead! As you read above, this tea is great for those who are pregnant and struggling with heartburn or acid reflux! 

Okay, now onto the recipe which was written by Chelsea + recipe video!







  • ***You can change the amounts but start with the blend below and go from there.
  • 2 tbsp spearmint
  • 1 tbsp ginger root (or a few fresh pieces, or both :))
  • 1 tbsp. marshmallow root
  • 1 tbsp. lemon balm
  • 1 tbsp. red raspberry leaf
  • Some honey!


 Directions & Info:

  • Pour hot water over herbs (I use 200 degree water).
  • Let seep with the top on for about ten mins.
  • Press down, pour over some honey, and enjoy!
  • ****If you're wanting to buy organic dried leaves, frontier co-op is easy to purchase from on Amazon and they have a good selection of organic herbs. 



Here to help, 

Brier C. & Chelsea H. (Founder, CEO, & Herbalist)

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