DIY Flaxseed Hair Gel
Hey, there.
Okay, so this DIY may seem a bit peculiar, but it's one of my most beloved because of how inexpensive and ingenious it is! It amazes me how incredibly intricate and complex God made nature, and how many uses we can discover from different plants found in nature. A perfect example of this is the amazing Flaxseed. Not only is it a nutrient powerhouse food, but it also can be used to make... all-natural hair gel!
You may be thinking "Why would I need hair gel made from Flax Seeds when I can just buy regular hair gel at the store?"
Well, I'm so glad you asked. You may already know where I am going with this, but like aerosol hairspray that we talked about in a previous blog, conventional hair gels are packed with parabens, sulfates, and synthetic fragrances... all things that negatively impact your health in more ways than one and should be avoided as much as possible. When you use conventional hair gels, your skin is drinking in all of those harmful chemicals. Yikes!
Good thing is, this Flax Seed gel is super easy to make and you get a great bang for your buck. I also love that this gel is great for the whole family and super customizable.
Also, we've heard great reports from curly-haired gals regarding how well this works on their hair. =)
Let's get into it!
-5 Tbsp whole flaxseeds - NOT MILLED.
-2 cups distilled water
-Strainer (cheesecloth, paint strainer bag, or unused knee-high nylon)
-Empty, clean, pump or flip cap bottle
-Essential oils and natural preservatives if using - there are quite a few preservatives out there, so do your own research and follow the instructions on the right amount to add. I like to use Rosemary extract or citric acid. For essential oils, I use our organic line and I like a blend of lavender and orange, but use your creativity here!
-Add the water to a small saucepan and boil it.
-Once boiling, add the flaxseeds to the boiling water and lower the heat. Keep heating over medium heat until the water starts thickening up and getting frothy. Stir! You don't want the flaxseeds sticking to the bottom of the pot and burning.
-When the water has thickened (after about 12 minutes), remove from heat and let it cool. Do not let it cool down too much. Once it becomes cool enough for you to strain, do so. If it cools down completely, it might be more difficult to strain.
-Optionally, add essential oils to your DIY flaxseed hair gel for fragrance.
Store in the fridge for maximum storage time.
Click the photo below for a full video tutorial
Notes and FAQs:
Q. Can I use milled flaxseeds?
A. No. Either golden or brown WHOLE flaxseeds will work, but make sure they are not milled.
Q. My gel mixture is too thick to strain. How do I fix this?
A. If your gel gets too thick to strain it, you can always add more water and a low heat, if necessary, before trying to strain it again.
Q. What is the shelf life of this hair gel?
A. Flaxseed hair gel can be preserved with a natural preservative for a longer shelf life and no need to store in the fridge. If not using a preservative, store in the fridge and it should last for up to two weeks! However, throw away and make a new batch when the gel starts to get cloudy or smell off, after 14 days or so, whichever comes first.
Q. How long does this take to dry?
A. Flaxseed hair gel can be applied to wet or dry hair. Be patient. Just like with any non-commercial, homemade product, you are going to have to apply it differently and give it time to dry. Try it out and see how much your hair needs. I like to apply it to my hair, then style it, then wait for it to try.
Have you made this before? Let us know your experience with it or tips if you have any to add.
Happy hair styling,
Chelsea Henderson (Founder & Formulator)